Our Mission is to supply first class and unique products !
Welcome to RM ISTANBUL
Can Çiçek - Founder and CEO
• Production & sales of fresh & dried cut flowers, 30 years.
• Commercial manager of an exporting company, 30 years.
• Participation in different exhibitions in Holland , Germany , France , Italy , Saudi Arabia , Dubai , Qatar , Japan , China , Taiwan , South-Korea , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan

Truck and Plain

24/7 Delicated Support
We're here for you

Best price
Best Quality
“ We’re going to make the experience of discovering the perfect plants as wonderful as the plants themselves. “
– Can ÇiçekFounder/CEO

Stypha grass
Stipa pennata, is a flowering plant and arid zone sand grass in the grass family Poaceae, which is grown as an ornamental plant for its feathery flowering spikes.

pampas grass
Cortaderia selloana is a species of flowering plant in the Poaceae family.

The ideal small tree for winter interest, Salix displays unusual red, branches that adopt shades of orange as they age. Yellow spring catkins are followed by bright-green, lance-shaped foliage, falling in the autumn to reveal the colorful, architectural stems.

Colored Stypha

Colored pampas grass

Bleached Stypha